Suman Jain & Associates

Company Law Consultancy Services

Company Law Consultancy Services

We are a leading name in the field of offering Company Law Consultancy Services. With Companies functioning in India governed by Companies Act, 2013, each company needs to get registered with Registrar of Companies (ROC) and file necessary documents for different statutory requirements.

Mainly, Indian companies are of two types

  • Where maximum numbers of members are 50
  • It prohibits any invitation to public to subscribe shares/debentures
  • Restrict right to transfer its shares

Public Limited Company

  • Invite public to subscribe shares or debentures
  • No limit on maximum members

Formation of Private/ Public Limited company
The process that involves formation of Private/ Public Limited company include drafting of memorandum & article of association of companies and converting a Private Company into Public company and Public Ltd. into a Private Ltd. The other steps that are part of formation include Changing name of company, Change of registered office, Alteration of main object of company and inclusion of new business in memorandum of company, Statutory meeting & report, Appointment of directors and their remuneration, Holding & subsidiary company, Inter corporate investments; Amalgamation, merger and acquisition of companies; Payment of dividend by companies Further, the Company Law consultancy services offered are designed to serve the demands of all big and small type of companies regardless of size who are regulated by Companies Acts 2013. Other than this, the Company Law Matters Consultancy service offered takes care of company’s legal compliance.

Here, our team of experts assists firms to –

  • Interpret and comply with rules and regulations
  • Smoothly continue to operate in chosen sectors

Some of the sections of Companies Act where we hold expertise in providing guidance/assistance/interpretation to Company Law include: Company formation –

  • Company secretarial matters like necessary companies House filings
  • Accounting matters like statutory disclosures, deadlines and exemptions
  • Matters affecting share capital and distributions

Statutory Audit –

  • Statutory provisions that relate to different meetings like Statutory Meetings, Board Meetings
  • Seeking Licenses and Approvals for start-up
  • Other different provisions as applicable to Company

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